Bromothymol blue sodium salt

General description: Bromothymol Blue sodium salt is a pH indicator which appears greenish-blue in neutral solutions, yellow in solutions with pH below 6.0, and blue above pH of 7.6.

Application: Bromothymol Blue has been used for freshwater pH measurements over a broad range of buffer intensities. It is also used for carbonic anhydrase assay due to the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate.

Catalogue Number: i880046

Technical Information
3´.3˝-Dibromothymolsulfonphthalein - BTB Synonym
Linear Formula
Red to Pale brown powder
Insoluble (20ºC)
Solub. in H2O
646.36 g/mol
Molecular Weight
Not a hazardous substance or mixture. LGK 10 - 13
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place
Storage Conditions
pH 6.0 - 7.6 yellow- blue
Transition range
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