
The antibiotic is a cell wall synthesis inhibitor.

Minimum size 100 milligrams – Maximum Size: 5 grams

Catalogue Number: i88004


Sulfadiazine is a sulfonamide antibiotic that inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell walls by binding to the enzyme beta-lactamase. Sulfadiazine binds to beta-lactamase enzyme and prevents it from breaking down and destroying penicillin molecules and other beta-lactam antibiotics. This mechanism prevents the production of bacterial cell walls and as a result, leads to cell death. Sulfonamides are used in combination with other antibiotics.


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Technical Information
68-35-9 CAS nomber
Chemical formula
250.28 gr/mol
Molecular Weight
254 degrees Celsius
Melting Point
263.8 degrees Celsius
flash point
2-8 degrees celesius, in a tightly closed container, in a cool and dry place, away from light.
storage condition
1 year
Shelf life under optimal conditions

Sulfadiazine is a sulfonamide antibiotic that inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell walls by binding to the enzyme beta-lactamase. Sulfadiazine binds to beta-lactamase enzyme and prevents it from breaking down and destroying penicillin molecules and other beta-lactam antibiotics. This mechanism prevents the production of bacterial cell walls and as a result, leads to cell death. Sulfonamides are used in combination with other antibiotics.


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شما نیز میتوانید سوالات خود را ثبت کنید!

اگر سوالی در مورد محصول دارید از این قسمت بپرسید!

Technical Information
68-35-9 CAS nomber
Chemical formula
250.28 gr/mol
Molecular Weight
254 degrees Celsius
Melting Point
263.8 degrees Celsius
flash point
2-8 degrees celesius, in a tightly closed container, in a cool and dry place, away from light.
storage condition
1 year
Shelf life under optimal conditions

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CoA & MSDS files

Downloading CoA & MSDS files

:To download the CoA file

Enter the LOT number printed on the container

:To download the MSDS file

Enter the catalog number (REF) printed on the container without the hyphen