Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar (Levin)

Application: a selective and differential medium used for the isolation of gram-negative enteric bacteria

Standards: APHA, USP

Catalogue Number: i23068



  • Shake the container well. Dissolve 36 grams of the agar powder in one liter of distilled water.
  • Heat the solution gently and boil for a few seconds until the medium is completely dissolved.
  • Autoclave the culture medium at 121 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
  • Cool the medium to 60 degrees Celsius and shake it well to allow the methylene blue to oxidize (regain its blue color) and the precipitate in the medium, which is an important part of the medium, to become flow again.
  • Dispense the medium into petri dishes.


Store the powder in the bottle tightly closed and below 30°C and the prepared medium in the tubes at 2-8°C. The best time to use is before the expiration date printed on the product label.




  • Inoculate the samples on the surface of the plates using the spreading method.
  • Incubate the plates at 35 degrees Celsius for 18-24 hours. Avoid exposing the plates to light. If the culture results are negative after 24 hours, incubate the plates for another 24 hours.

Results and Interpretation

Coliforms, including lactose-fermenting gram-negative bacteria, produce a metallic green sheen on their colonies due to the acidic conditions that occur during their growth and sugar fermentation in the EMB medium, resulting in a color reaction.

The typical appearance of some of the coliforms is as follows:

Escherichia coli bacteria have large, blue-black colonies with a metallic sheen.

Enterobacter/Klebsiella bacteria produce large, mucoid colonies that are blue-black in color.

Proteus, Salmonella, and Shigella bacteria have large, colorless colonies.

Pseudomonas bacteria have irregular and colorless colonies.


  • Some strains of Salmonella and Shigella do not grow on this medium due to the presence of eosin and methylene blue in its composition.
  • Some gram-positive bacteria such as Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and yeast can grow on this medium and produce pinpoint colonies.
  • Non-pathogenic, non-lactose-fermenting bacteria can also grow on this medium. Therefore, for more accurate identification of these organisms, biochemical tests should also be used in addition to the pathogenic strains.
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  • Shake the container well. Dissolve 36 grams of the agar powder in one liter of distilled water.
  • Heat the solution gently and boil for a few seconds until the medium is completely dissolved.
  • Autoclave the culture medium at 121 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
  • Cool the medium to 60 degrees Celsius and shake it well to allow the methylene blue to oxidize (regain its blue color) and the precipitate in the medium, which is an important part of the medium, to become flow again.
  • Dispense the medium into petri dishes.


Store the powder in the bottle tightly closed and below 30°C and the prepared medium in the tubes at 2-8°C. The best time to use is before the expiration date printed on the product label.




  • Inoculate the samples on the surface of the plates using the spreading method.
  • Incubate the plates at 35 degrees Celsius for 18-24 hours. Avoid exposing the plates to light. If the culture results are negative after 24 hours, incubate the plates for another 24 hours.

Results and Interpretation

Coliforms, including lactose-fermenting gram-negative bacteria, produce a metallic green sheen on their colonies due to the acidic conditions that occur during their growth and sugar fermentation in the EMB medium, resulting in a color reaction.

The typical appearance of some of the coliforms is as follows:

Escherichia coli bacteria have large, blue-black colonies with a metallic sheen.

Enterobacter/Klebsiella bacteria produce large, mucoid colonies that are blue-black in color.

Proteus, Salmonella, and Shigella bacteria have large, colorless colonies.

Pseudomonas bacteria have irregular and colorless colonies.


  • Some strains of Salmonella and Shigella do not grow on this medium due to the presence of eosin and methylene blue in its composition.
  • Some gram-positive bacteria such as Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and yeast can grow on this medium and produce pinpoint colonies.
  • Non-pathogenic, non-lactose-fermenting bacteria can also grow on this medium. Therefore, for more accurate identification of these organisms, biochemical tests should also be used in addition to the pathogenic strains.
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