Kovac’s (Indole) Reagent

To identify the ability of microorganisms, especially Enterobacteriaceae, to separate indole from the tryptophan molecule using the tryptophanase enzyme.

Catalogue Number: iR95008



  • Add 0.2-0.5 milliliters of the Kovac’s reagent to 5 milliliters of the 24-48 hour culture medium. You can use a bacterium grown in tryptone water culture medium.
  • The formation of a red ring on the surface of the culture medium indicates a positive indole test.
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0.5 g
7.5 ml
2.5 ml
HCl (concentrated)
Quality Control
  • Appearance Yellow solution.
  • Clarity: Clear solution without any particles.
  • Cultural Response of 24 – 48 hour incubated culture (Tryptone Water – 123185) and adding 0.2 – 0.5 ml of Kovac’s Reagent.
Indole production Microorganism (ATCC)
Negative (no red ring)
E. aerogenes (13048)
Positive (red ring at the interface of the medium)
E. coli (25922)


  • Add 0.2-0.5 milliliters of the Kovac’s reagent to 5 milliliters of the 24-48 hour culture medium. You can use a bacterium grown in tryptone water culture medium.
  • The formation of a red ring on the surface of the culture medium indicates a positive indole test.
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شما نیز میتوانید سوالات خود را ثبت کنید!

اگر سوالی در مورد محصول دارید از این قسمت بپرسید!

0.5 g
7.5 ml
2.5 ml
HCl (concentrated)
Quality Control
  • Appearance Yellow solution.
  • Clarity: Clear solution without any particles.
  • Cultural Response of 24 – 48 hour incubated culture (Tryptone Water – 123185) and adding 0.2 – 0.5 ml of Kovac’s Reagent.
Indole production Microorganism (ATCC)
Negative (no red ring)
E. aerogenes (13048)
Positive (red ring at the interface of the medium)
E. coli (25922)

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