
General description: Catalase, an enzyme that brings about (catalyzes) the reaction by which hydrogen peroxide is decomposed to water and oxygen. Found extensively in organisms that live in the presence of oxygen, catalase prevents the accumulation of and protects cellular organelles and tissues from damage by peroxide, which is continuously produced by numerous metabolic reactions.

Application: Catalase has various industrial applications. In the food industry, it is used in combination with other enzymes in the preservation of foodstuffs and in the manufacture of beverages and certain food items. Commercial catalases also are used to break down hydrogen peroxide in wastewater.

Catalogue Number: i880051

Technical Information
9001-05-2 CAS-No
White-tan powder
Keep container tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place
Storage Conditions
Protein (UV)
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CoA & MSDS files

Downloading CoA & MSDS files

:To download the CoA file

Enter the LOT number printed on the container

:To download the MSDS file

Enter the catalog number (REF) printed on the container without the hyphen