Maltose monohydrate

General description: D-Maltose is a disaccharide produced when starch is broken down by amylase.

Application: D-(+)-Maltose monohydrate, is commonly found in foods and commonly utilized in brewing processes. It is also used in various culture media in the cell and tissue culture applications. D-(+)-Maltose Monohydrate is used as a substrate for α-glucosidase. It is also used as a substrate for the identification, differentiation and characterization of enzymes. D-Maltose is used to study maltose-binding proteins and disaccharide transport systems.

Catalogue Number: i880111

Technical Information
6363-53-7 CAS-No
Linear formula
White crystalline powder
1080 g/l (20ºC)
Solub. in H2O
4.5-6.0 (50 g/l, H2O, 20ºC)
pH value
360.32 g/mol
Molecular Weight
Melting point
320 Kg/m3
Bulk. Density
Not a hazardous substance or mixture. LGK 10 - 13
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place
Storage Conditions
≥ 92.0%
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