Peptone Water

Application: Peptone Water (indole free) is used for cultivating non-fastidious organisms, for studying carbohydrate fermentation patterns and for performing the indole test.

Catalogue Number: i23137



  • Shake the container of Peptone Water well.
  • Dissolve 15 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
  • Autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.

For Determining Carbohydrate Fermentation Patterns

  • Add 1.8 mL 1% phenol red solution to 1 liter rehydrated Peptone Water. Mix well.
  • Dispense into test tubes containing inverted Durham vials.
  • Autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.
  • Aseptically add sufficient sterile carbohydrate solution to yield a 1% final concentration. Rotate each tube to thoroughly distribute the carbohydrate.


The medium powder should be kept tightly closed and stored at temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius, and the medium should be stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. The best time to use is before the expiration date printed on the product label.

پرسش و پاسخ

شما نیز میتوانید سوالات خود را ثبت کنید!

اگر سوالی در مورد محصول دارید از این قسمت بپرسید!

gr / L Components
Sodium chloride
0.2 ± 7.3
Final pH at 25°C

Quality Control

  • Dehydrated Appearance: White to light beige, free flowing, homogeneous.
  • Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
  • Inoculate and incubate at 35 ± 2°C for 18-24 hours. Add 0.5 mL Indole Reagent (Kovacs) to the tubes to test for indole production. Formation of a red color denotes a positive indole test.
Indole Production Recovery Organism (ATCC)
Enterobacter cloacae (13047)
Escherichia coli (25922)


  • Shake the container of Peptone Water well.
  • Dissolve 15 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
  • Autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.

For Determining Carbohydrate Fermentation Patterns

  • Add 1.8 mL 1% phenol red solution to 1 liter rehydrated Peptone Water. Mix well.
  • Dispense into test tubes containing inverted Durham vials.
  • Autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.
  • Aseptically add sufficient sterile carbohydrate solution to yield a 1% final concentration. Rotate each tube to thoroughly distribute the carbohydrate.


The medium powder should be kept tightly closed and stored at temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius, and the medium should be stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. The best time to use is before the expiration date printed on the product label.

پرسش و پاسخ

شما نیز میتوانید سوالات خود را ثبت کنید!

اگر سوالی در مورد محصول دارید از این قسمت بپرسید!

gr / L Components
Sodium chloride
0.2 ± 7.3
Final pH at 25°C

Quality Control

  • Dehydrated Appearance: White to light beige, free flowing, homogeneous.
  • Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
  • Inoculate and incubate at 35 ± 2°C for 18-24 hours. Add 0.5 mL Indole Reagent (Kovacs) to the tubes to test for indole production. Formation of a red color denotes a positive indole test.
Indole Production Recovery Organism (ATCC)
Enterobacter cloacae (13047)
Escherichia coli (25922)

CoA & MSDS files

Downloading CoA & MSDS files


:To download the CoA file

Enter the LOT number printed on the container

:To download the MSDS file

Enter the catalog number (REF) printed on the container without the hyphen

CoA & MSDS files

Downloading CoA & MSDS files

:To download the CoA file

Enter the LOT number printed on the container

:To download the MSDS file

Enter the catalog number (REF) printed on the container without the hyphen