
General description: Thiourea is an organosulfur compound with the formula SC(NH2)2 . It is structurally similar to urea, except that the oxygen atom is replaced by a sulfur atom, but the properties of urea and thiourea differ significantly.

Application: Reagent for organic synthesisUsed as a reagent for organic synthesis. Thiourea is a photographic fixative, and used in manufacture of resins.

Catalogue Number: i880206

Technical information
Thiocarbamide Synonym
Linear formula
White crystals or powder
137 g/l (20ºC)
Solub. in H2O
6-8 (50 g/l, H2O, 20ºC)
pH value
76.12 g/mol
Molecular Weight
Melting point
1.405 g/cm3
Spec. density
640 Kg/m3
Bulk. Density
Acute toxicity, Carcinogenicity, Reproductive toxicity, Chronic aquatic toxicity, Warning, H302, H351, H361d, H411, P273, P281, P308 + P313 LGK 10 - 13
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place
Storage Conditions
Assay (iodometric)
passes test
Identity (IR-spectrum)
Iron (Fe)
Sulfated ash (600ºC)
Loss on drying (105ºC)
passes test
Sensitivity to bismuth
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