TRB Test Kit

Application: Identification of microbial corrosion caused by thiosulfate-reducing bacteria.

Catalogue Number: MC-57018

click here for more information: Microbes as Corrosion Agents in Facilities | Microbial Corrosion in Metals | Rapid Identification Key to Combat Corrosion | Systems Prone to Microbial Contamination!




The corrosion caused in metals that are submerged in seawater leads to significant economic costs. It has been observed that the presence of thiosulfate increases the likelihood of biological corrosion in many oilfield facilities and similar installations. The activity of thiosulfate-reducing bacteria has also been repeatedly linked to anaerobic corrosion in complex biofilms. This microbial population affects iron by producing hydrogen sulfide gas. Thiosulfate-reducing bacteria cause the formation of iron sulfide on metal surfaces by using hydrogen. The bad smell of hydrogen sulfide, as well as the corrosion of metals and concrete caused by the growth of thiosulfate-reducing bacteria. Therefore, regular identification of these microorganisms is essential for controlling and preventing damage caused by their growth.



Sample Collection:

  • Samples contaminated with oil: Microorganisms are unable to grow in the absence of water. In oil/water systems, microorganisms are found in the interface between oil and water as well as in the water layer. Therefore, it is important to collect samples from both of these parts. The Falcon should be filled with a fresh sample that contains a minimum amount of oil on it. Excess oil on the surface of the sample can be removed with a pipette.
  • Water sampling method: Collect at least 25 mL of sample. Pour 19 mL of the sample (up to the marked line on the Falcon) into the Falcon and leave it there.
  • Soil sampling method: Transfer one gram of the desired soil sample to the laboratory at a temperature of 4-15 degrees Celsius. Dissolve the sample in 20 milliliters of sterile water and vortex. Wait for a while until the soil settles. Then add the water to the kit. Note that for tests that must be performed on site and there is no possibility of preparing a suspension, add 1 gram of soil directly to the kit and add 20 milliliters of sterile water.


Manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • After preparing the sample, do not shake or rotate the falcon. Allow the ball to float on the liquid surface.
  • Write the date and name of the sample on the falcon.
  • Warm the falcon at room temperature (21-25 degrees Celsius) and away from sunlight.
  • Observe the sample every day for 8 days. Note the date of the first observed reaction.
  • If the reaction is negative, keep the sample until the 14th day and check it daily.
results interpretation

results interpretation

Presence/Absence Test

If there are thiosulfate-reducing bacteria present in the sample, after incubation, a black, muddy ring will form around the tube or muddy sediment will form at the bottom of the falcon tube. If these bacteria are absent, there will be no black coloration in the solution.

Bacterial Count Estimation:

If the test result is positive, you can estimate the bacterial population and the extent of their invasion according to the tables below. A faster reaction occurs when there is a higher bacterial population.

Note: The presence of more than 20 ppm of hydrogen sulfide gas in the sample will cause a false positive result. To remove hydrogen gas from the sample, pour 30 ml of the sample into a tube, close it, and shake it for 10 seconds. Then let the tube stand for 20 seconds. After that, you can use this sample for testing.




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The corrosion caused in metals that are submerged in seawater leads to significant economic costs. It has been observed that the presence of thiosulfate increases the likelihood of biological corrosion in many oilfield facilities and similar installations. The activity of thiosulfate-reducing bacteria has also been repeatedly linked to anaerobic corrosion in complex biofilms. This microbial population affects iron by producing hydrogen sulfide gas. Thiosulfate-reducing bacteria cause the formation of iron sulfide on metal surfaces by using hydrogen. The bad smell of hydrogen sulfide, as well as the corrosion of metals and concrete caused by the growth of thiosulfate-reducing bacteria. Therefore, regular identification of these microorganisms is essential for controlling and preventing damage caused by their growth.



Sample Collection:

  • Samples contaminated with oil: Microorganisms are unable to grow in the absence of water. In oil/water systems, microorganisms are found in the interface between oil and water as well as in the water layer. Therefore, it is important to collect samples from both of these parts. The Falcon should be filled with a fresh sample that contains a minimum amount of oil on it. Excess oil on the surface of the sample can be removed with a pipette.
  • Water sampling method: Collect at least 25 mL of sample. Pour 19 mL of the sample (up to the marked line on the Falcon) into the Falcon and leave it there.
  • Soil sampling method: Transfer one gram of the desired soil sample to the laboratory at a temperature of 4-15 degrees Celsius. Dissolve the sample in 20 milliliters of sterile water and vortex. Wait for a while until the soil settles. Then add the water to the kit. Note that for tests that must be performed on site and there is no possibility of preparing a suspension, add 1 gram of soil directly to the kit and add 20 milliliters of sterile water.


Manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • After preparing the sample, do not shake or rotate the falcon. Allow the ball to float on the liquid surface.
  • Write the date and name of the sample on the falcon.
  • Warm the falcon at room temperature (21-25 degrees Celsius) and away from sunlight.
  • Observe the sample every day for 8 days. Note the date of the first observed reaction.
  • If the reaction is negative, keep the sample until the 14th day and check it daily.
results interpretation

results interpretation

Presence/Absence Test

If there are thiosulfate-reducing bacteria present in the sample, after incubation, a black, muddy ring will form around the tube or muddy sediment will form at the bottom of the falcon tube. If these bacteria are absent, there will be no black coloration in the solution.

Bacterial Count Estimation:

If the test result is positive, you can estimate the bacterial population and the extent of their invasion according to the tables below. A faster reaction occurs when there is a higher bacterial population.

Note: The presence of more than 20 ppm of hydrogen sulfide gas in the sample will cause a false positive result. To remove hydrogen gas from the sample, pour 30 ml of the sample into a tube, close it, and shake it for 10 seconds. Then let the tube stand for 20 seconds. After that, you can use this sample for testing.




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